Brendon Orchards is a fruit-processing cooperative based in Wiveliscombe in Somerset with the aim to make viable and sustainable the uniquely valuable orchards of the West Country.  We currently serve 470 members in the larger surrounding area offering:

  • A juicing equipment hire service – you juice your own apples
  • Community juicing sessions – you bring your apples along and juice them with others
  • A Juice for You service – we juice your apples for you
  • Support for community apple days
  • Other fruit processing opportunities
  • Pruning and orchard management training
  • Orchard and picker match-making—including a newly-established Organised Cider Gang (OCG) linking you with cider orchards so you can make your own cider/cider vinegar
  • Events for groups for health and well-being
  • Sessions with schools and other young people’s groups.
  • Selling Juice and Cider vinegar — This year we have run a Power of the Press pilot where we have contracted workers to make juice and cider vinegar which we are now selling in local shops and markets to support our activities.
  • A mapping project to map as many local orchards as we can and their contribution to local and national biodiversity

Do get in touch through our website if you would like to receive our newsletters or get involved in some way.