Guerilla Gardeners

“There was a 60% decline in populations of wild vertebrates between 1973  and 2021.  If there was a 60% decline in the human population, it would be  the same as emptying North and South America, Africa, Europe and China.  The scale of biodiversity destruction is staggering” Lyle Lewis, Racing to Extinction

We are a group of volunteer gardeners/weeders who decided to create habitats around Wivey with a view to increasing biodiversity.

We dug out the bed at the bottom of the Croft Way Car Park steps and planted it up with pollinator-friendly plants, and then rejuvenated the Herb Garden – this is to the far left at the top of the steps and open to all.

We then took on the challenge of an area of the car park bank which we planted with a view to having something flowering all year round for our friends the insects and bees. Fruit trees were planted alongside. We revamped the beds at the Recreation Ground and a new Memorial Bed was created.  Most of the plants are from our own gardens or from friends.

Our latest project is again in the Croft Way Car Park area, this time on the bank where the ash trees were cut down.  We now have a larger group of volunteers and in March 2024 we secured a grant from Brendon Energy and planted an “edible hedge” around the edges of the bank, and with a further grant from Wessex Water will enable us to plant walnut and almond trees on the top of the bank and some fruit trees on the sides.  See the South Bank Project on this site for more information.

We could do more if we had more help and there are jobs for all abilities and knowhow, so if you fancy an informal meet up and chat, do get in contact.

Lena Holland 07714 703455

Julie Mitchell 07906 781160