St Andrews Churchyard

We will be looking carefully at the whole area in order to identify unsual trees, fungi, lichen and mosses and create a trail to highlight the significant trees and more interesting graves within the precincts.  Some areas with older graves may be mown less often to allow wildflowers to flourish which should in turn help insects and invertebrates to thrive to the benefit of our whole ecosystem which is currently under such threat.  We will cut winding paths through these areas so they are still accessible.

We also hope to undertake bat and bird surveys so we can monitor their presence and movements.

If you would like to join us on the maintenance team to tackle the larger growth and to beautify the grounds, do get in touch.  Alternatively you might wish to contribute to a specific fund we have set up for to hep with maintenance costs.

Please get in touch with our church wardens and we look forward to working with you.

